Politikai filozófia előadás a pesti CEU-n

Politikai filozófia előadás a pesti CEU-n

The Institute for Advanced Study at CEU, in cooperation with the Democracy in History workgroup of the CEU Democracy Institute, cordially invites you to the lecture of


Costică Brădăţan


Professor of Humanities, Honors College, Texas Tech University and President’s Excellence in Research Professor at Texas Tech University

Honorary Research Professor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Australia

Philosophy/Religion Editor of Los Angeles Review of Books


The Case for Going against the Stream


March 4, Monday, 4:00 PM

Nádor u. 15, Room 103


Zoom: https://ceu-edu.zoom.us/j/96177687835?pwd=SEJOaHBqUUNqa0lvZ0RqVFNNNWJRdz09



André Gide once said that “the real value of an author consists in his revolutionary force, or more exactly… in his quality of opposition. A great artist is of necessity a ‘nonconformist’ and he must swim against the current of his day.”  What Gide says about “the great artist” applies to the great philosopher, too. The ability to “swim against the current” should be seen as an absolute prerequisite for the thinking profession. A thinker will make no difference unless she goes against what her society treasures and celebrates as established knowledge, and exposes the substantial herding involved not only in its making, but also in the rituals of its preservation and sanctification. While deeply rooted in biology and useful for survival, herding can have devastating consequences when it comes to philosophical reflection.