ELTE-NYTK Centre for Theoretical Linguistics

The ELTE-NYTK Centre for Theoretical Linguistics has been responsible for teaching theoretical linguistics at the BA, MA and doctoral levels at ELTE for 30 years. Our work depends on the professional and financial support of the Research Centre for Linguistics (www.nytud.hu): all members of the core teaching staff are active or emeritus researchers at the research centre, which also provides the venue for teaching. Students of theoretical linguistics are thus given ample opportunity to get acquainted with and participate in current research activities in various fields of linguistics, by attending talks and conferences, or getting involved in research projects as research assistants or active members (depending on their qualifications).

Our aim is to train professionals who are familiar with the general principles underlying the structure of human languages as well as theories and methodologies used for the description and explanation of the structure of particular natural languages, and can apply them creatively. The basic disciplines of linguistics are in the focus of training: phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. This is complemented by the study of interface phenomena and adjoining academic fields, such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics or neurolinguistics, in order to enable our graduates to perform a wide range of linguistics-related tasks after graduation.

Research seminars are an important part of the training at all levels, where lecturers, senior and postgraduate students discuss research findings and pursue joint research. The core teaching staff includes specialists of all the major fields of modern linguistics.

Contact information

Address: ELTE-NYTK Centre for Theoretical Linguistics, Research Centre for Linguistics
H-1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 33.
Phone: +36 1 342-9372/6016
E-mail: gardai.kinga@btk.elte.hu
Homepage: http://www.nytud.hu/szakcsoport/
Facebook (in Hungarian): https://www.facebook.com/elmeletinyelveszet