Title Modern Metaphysics Reading Seminar
Code BMA-LOTD-207.04, BMI-LOTD-207E.04, BMI-LOTD-106E.03, BBN-FIL-322.07, BMA-FILD-322.07
Lecturer Mekis Péter
Time and venue Tuesday 18:00-19:30 i/221 --- first session: February 10!
Description We read and discuss twelve seminal texts from the corpus of 20th century analytic philosophy, covering the problems of personal identity, free will, realism vs. anti-realism, realism vs. nominalism, possible worlds, and persistence over time.
  • Beebee, H. & Dodd, J. (ed.), Reading Metaphysics: Selected Texts with Interactive Commentary. Blackwell, 2007.