Paper Submissions

There will be two types of submissions to AiML 2016:

  1. Full papers for publication in the proceedings and presentation at the conference.
  2. Short presentations intended for presentation at the conference but not for the published proceedings.

Both types of papers should be submitted electronically using the EasyChair submission page at

At least one author of each accepted paper or short presentation must register for and attend the conference.

Full Papers

Authors are invited to submit, for presentation at the conference and publication in the proceedings, full papers reporting on original research and not submitted elsewhere. The proceedings of AiML 2016 will be published by College Publications in a volume to be made available at the conference. The submissions should be at most 15 pages, with an optional technical appendix of up to 5 pages, together with a plain-text abstract of 100-200 words. The submissions must be typeset in LaTeX, using the style files and template provided in this ZIP file.

We also ask authors of full papers to submit the abstract in plain text via EasyChair by March 10th.

Short Presentations

These should be at most 5 pages. They may describe preliminary results, work in progress etc., and will be subject to light reviewing. The accepted submissions will be made available at the conference, and the authors will have the opportunity to give short presentations (of up to 15 minutes) on them.